2.0 Tools for the Bilingual Classroom
The use of 2.0 tools in the classroom has become a must in the classrooms regardless the subject or the level. Aside the undeniable motivational factor that these tools represent for the students, they are also a way of learning in ITC enviroments, enhancing the way the students' immersion in the targeted language and approaching the subject content in a different way.
These tools force us teachers to get out our comfort zone by approaching the teaching of our own subject afresh, improve our ITC skills and provide the classes with a change of pace, always welcome by teachers and students.
At the Centro de Formación del Profesorado en Idiomas, a group of teachers from Bilingual Sections have been investigating and piloting some of these tools with different groups of students and subjects. These teachers have taken part in the training activity: HERRAMIENTAS WEB 2.0 PARA EL AULA BILINGÜE DE SECUNDARIA. GT ONLINE, coordinated by the CFPI.
You can learn about these tools through tutorials and the activities these teachers have designed for their subjects in this blog: