Escrito por LAURA RIESCO, miércoles 7 de diciembre de 2016 , 19:32 hs

European Schoolnet is a network of 30 European Ministries of Education, based in Brussels, Belgium.

As a not-for-profit organisation, we aim to bring innovation in teaching and learning to our key stakeholders:

Ministries of Education, schools, teachers, researchers, and industry partners.


European Schoolnet provides School Education Gateway, as an education community where you can contact and develop international projects with schools from other countries. This, along with eTwinning, supports european schools projects and offers a variety of tools to support Erasmus+ projects.

The website content (news, good practices, expert articles, policy links, etc.) are indexed under different topics, helping you to find relevant content matching you interests. The topics are also linked to the European Commission policy priorities for school.

  • Assessment
  • Competences (including Basic skills; Literacy competences; Numeracy competences; Digital competences)
  • Curriculum (including Reform, development; Different subjects)
  • Early years education
  • Inclusive teaching (including Special needs; Learner support; Disadvantage; Early school leaving; Behaviour; Attendance; Diversity, migrants)
  • Internationalisation
  • Management (including Leadership; Governance; Autonomy; Organisation; Funding; Parental choice; Quality assurance; Inspection)
  • Policy and strategy (including Comparing educational systems)
  • Primary education
  • Professional development (including Coaching, mentoring; Training; Self-development; Teacher competences)
  • Research
  • Secondary education
  • Teaching (including Methods; Innovation; Pedagogy; Classroom management; Class culture; Behaviour; Learning environments)
  • Teaching profession (including Recruitment and retention, quality; Initial and continuing education; Certification; Incentives and pay; New teachers)
  • Technology (including Infrastructure; Software, hardware; Devices; Digital resources)
  • Trends

It contains many articles, materials and toolkits for teachers and school leaders to stay informed and to enhance their practice.

You can also access to a variety of online courses on its section Teacher Academy. They also offer face to face sessions in collaboration with Erasmus+, Science projects weekends, workshops... etc.

There are school resources like Go-Lab, where you can find remote and virtual laboratories for different science domains such as Physics, Astronomy, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, and Math. You can use these labs together with your students to enrich your classroom activities with interactive experiments and appealing demonstrations.

Or Better Internet for Kids for the exchange of experiences, resources and projects about digital safety.

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